Family Game Night
Meets for inter-generational fellowship and to play board, card, word, or party games. Games typically start at 4 pm with a Pot-luck dinner around 6 pm. All are welcome – Families, singles; couples; Visitors and members! There is no commitment required. You may attend once, once in a while or every month – just come!
Target Age: Open to all ages and experience level (beginning to experienced game players). Members and non-members welcome.
Meeting Time/Place: Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 4 – 7 p.m. generally in the meeting leaders home in Cupertino or at the church.
For More Information: Please call the church office at (408) 253-0751 for more information on the meeting location and to RSVP. RSVPs are encouraged (but not required) in order to have enough of the main entree prepared.