Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
-2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV
Financial Stewardship
Here are ways in which you can contribute in addition to tithes and offerings given through the offering plate.
- Make A Donation NOW via PushPay — Use your checking/savings account, ATM card or credit card to make a donation now — one time, or recurring. Just click on “Give Now” at the top of this page. Your gift will go to the General Fund by default, but you can optionally give to a specific fund such as a special offering or emergency relief via UMCOR. You can also use your smart phone and text GoodSamUMC to 77977 and then touch the link in the reply text. (Upper and lower case don’t matter in the text message.) Please consider making your gift recurring (monthly, twice per month, every two weeks, or weekly) as this is very helpful to Good Sam in terms of budgeting and planning.
- Annual Financial Pledge — Make an annual commitment to the church with a pledge. You can view your current pledge and giving to date in CCB. Use your own login and password to CCB, click on the $ icon on the left side of the page and use the Schedules/History and Pledge tabs at the top to see your pledge and giving to date. You can also print your own statements for tax purposes.
- By Mail – You may send a check, payable to Good Samaritan UMC, directly to: 19624 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014.
- Donation from a charitable trust. – If you choose to make donations to Good Samaritan United Methodist Church from a charitable trust, God Bless you. The first step depends on how donations are sent from your trust account. Many trust accounts allow you to make your donation online.
- Log into your trust account
- Enter the church EIN number (94-1750740) in the trust search engine to add a new donoree. If Good Sam’s EIN is found by the search engine, it should automatically populate all the contact information fields.
- If you have to enter the mailing information manually, Make the checks payable to “Good Samaritan UMC” and have it sent to
Good Samaritan UMC C/O Treasurer, 19624 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014 - If you have any questions, please contact the church treasurer at GoodSamTreasurer@gmail.com
The general process for making online donations from your trust are
Non-Cash Gifts
Please contact the church treasurer at GoodSamTreasurer@gmail.com to arrange for non-cash gifts including stocks and mutual funds, IRA contributions, adding the Endowment Fund to your will, for any other real or personal property.
- Stocks and Mutual Funds – Individuals should check with their financial advisor before initiating this, but if you do, you will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of your securities at the time of donation and will pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value.
- IRA Contributions – Individuals 70.5 years old or older and who are required to take distributions from their IRA or other qualified plan are urged to consider making a gift to their church from those proceeds. The IRS allows the RMD to be directed to a charitable organization without tax liability for amounts up to $100k per year
- Endowments – Substantial gifts from your will can be a mighty way to provide ongoing income for special ministries. Talk to anyone on the Endowments and Stewardship Committee to help you with any questions.
- Other – Other giving options include life insurance, retirement assets, bequests, personal property, appreciated Real Estate, and charitable lead trusts.