Inclusion Small Group
This small group focuses on a wide variety of issues related to inclusion in our church and society. The group is both a discussion/study group as well as a service group. Topics are generally selected based on a desire to explore and understand more deeply a situation in which some group of people feel marginalized by society or the church. We particularly support the LGBTQiA community as it seeks full recognition within the Body of Christ, but also support a variety of other marginalized groups, especially Black and other people of color, who are deeply impacted by systemic racism in America. The group explores these topics and then thoughtfully and prayerfully discusses potential service opportunities. The group also periodically takes time to refresh through Bible Study and prayer.
Summer 2023: The Inclusion Group is currently planning our yearly celebration of our becoming a reconciling ministry. We invite you to check out the video recordings of several of our last few years services.
Target Age: Teen/Young Adult to Seniors – Both members and non-members are welcome.
Meeting Time/Place: Tuesday evenings at 7 pm on Zoom. September – June Use this Zoom link to join us.
For More Information: Please email or call the church office (408) 253-0751.