Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School is a fun way for kids to learn about God and meet new friends. We get together twice a month – on the first Sunday and third Sunday of the month – to hear Bible stories, make a craft, play games, and have a snack. We learn about Jesus and the lives he touched in the Bible and today! Because kids learn all different ways, we have visual lessons, with our storytime video that highlights a story or event from the Bible. But, we also do active learning where kids can burn off energy with a relay race or game of freeze dance. And, kids love to solve our weekly puzzle pages like a word search, a printable maze, or dot-to-dot puzzle.
Kids are encouraged to talk about their ideas about God and to ask questions. Our teachers are there to listen and to offer some of their thoughts about the lesson to help the kids understand the meaning and significance of the story. The goal of the class is understanding the story and the ideas rather than pushing the “right” answers. We want the kids to feel that they have a supportive community that can help them in their faith journey.
Children join Sunday school by gathering in worship at our 9am service. After singing the opening worship songs and hearing the scripture in worship, the kids leave the sanctuary and go to the Sunday school classroom. We have two teachers each week to teach the lesson and help children do the activities. Sunday school is available for children four years old to twelve years old. Children rejoin their parents after Sunday school in the Fellowship Hall during coffee and fellowship time.