Opening Safely with COVID Considerations
As we invite people back to the sanctuary for worship, please be aware of the following considerations for the safety and well being of members, guests, and staff.
- 6′ distance between family groups will be maintained with every other row of chairs blocked off, and asking everyone to leave 3 empty chairs or an aisle on either side of their family group.
- We ask that all attendees and participants wear masks while inside the building. At a future date, perhaps as early as July, we will invite fully vaccinated attendees to remove their masks if they choose to.
- People who feel unwell or are experiencing a fever are asked to stay home and join our worship service virtually using the zoom link.
- Every family group that attends a worship service must sign in for purposes of contact tracing in case someone becomes ill or tests positive for COVID-19 within a few days of the worship service.
- We request that people who are not fully vaccinated do not sing, but instead are encouraged to hum along.
- 24′ spacing between the worship leaders / singers and the front row of the congregation seating area minimizes droplet spread from the chancel or stage area.
- More than 90% of our in-person congregation and volunteers are fully vaccinated.
- The sanctuary in professionally cleaned every week in anticipation of our worship services.