Sunday School Teachers
Target Age: Young adult to Adult
Small Group Description: A group of people who plan and teach Sunday school on Sunday mornings at Good Sam. The Sunday school program takes place during the morning worship, from about 9:15AM to 10:15AM. Sunday school starts in the chapel as a single group and then splits into two age groups in the classrooms. During the time together, we sing songs and watch a video lesson as well as share about our week. In the classroom, we do a craft project or a puzzle page and further discuss the lesson. Teachers usually teach one week a month and can help in the gathering-time in the chapel or can teach in the classroom. We also have positions as snack coordinator and supply person.
Meeting Time: Sunday School Teachers meet periodically as a group for planning purposes and to support one another – times vary.
Where to get more information: Please call the church office (408) 253-0751 for more information.