United Methodists

United Methodists are followers of the risen Christ and believe He is the Son of God and “the way, the truth, and the light…” (John 14:6). We hold to Christian doctrine and are evangelical in our faith practice: we believe God instructs us through biblical scripture. Unlike other Christian traditions who identify as evangelical, United Methodists believe being “born again” refers to a lifelong transformational process rather than a one-time pivotal decision. Disciples remain attentive to God’s calling and open to change through the Holy Spirit. We are called to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and to invite all people to join us in our community of seekers and believers. We feel the gift of living in the presence of God is meant for all people and all are welcome into God’s kingdom. By telling our stories of faith, we hope to share with others the joy of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We believe being a follower and believer of Christ frees us to live more fully, and that loving our neighbor is a critical tenet of our discipleship.

Founded by John Wesley and rooted in Anglican tradition, the Methodist framework of guiding principles are explained in a phrase known as the “Wesleyan Quadrilateral”. Components of the quadrilateral are:

  1. Biblical scripture (the primary source or Christian doctrine)
  2. Tradition (understanding Christian faith throughout history)
  3. Reason (using the lens of scientific and cogent thought to understand faith)
  4. Experience (understanding faith through personal stories and experiences).

As United Methodists, we have a passionate faith with strong convictions tempered by an understanding that the world is not always black or white. We strive to approach difficult issues with grace, empathy, and compassion. We value preaching that is well-informed, relevant and engaging. We live out our faith in small groups and ministries where members can experience mentorship, discipleship, fellowship, service, support, growth and deep connection. In the community, we find ways to actively express our faith by participating fully in the life of the church with generosity according to our talents, gifts and as we feel called by the Spirit.

For more information about what it means to be a United Methodist, visit United Methodists: What We Believe.